About our Products

Purple Magic products were created from the need for hoof products that would not dry out feet, did not contain harmful chemicals, and were actually effective in making feet stronger and healthier. Our products are formulated by a lifelong rider, groom, trainer and all-around horse person, with an incidental degree in Chemistry. We collaborated closely with Todd Meister VMD, CJF, a veterinarian andĀ farrier whose knowledge and experience is well known in the industry. In a short time, purple magic products have become the “go to” hoof care products for some of the most successful people in the horse industry.


How To Use ?

Step 1 -

Apply HARDENER approx. an inch below the hairline, including sole if needed, making sure to thoroughly cover all the cracks

Step 2 -

Allow feet to dry 3 - 5 min or more

Step 3 -

Apply BALM to the entire hoof, including coronet band, and sole if needed